The Antihero Inferno Series FINALLY Continues…

As many readers have learned through Lily’s Facebook Readers Group, and through other social media or word of mouth, Lily was diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer following Violence (Antihero Inferno Book 3) being published. The unfortunate diagnosis and subsequent (and grueling) treatment made it impossible to continue writing or other work on the series. Fortunately, Lily was recently told she may have beat the cancer and will be ending her treatment this year. What this means is that the Antihero Series will finally continue. It will take a few weeks for Lily to catch up and prepare for the release of Heresy, plus finishing the book, but once a release date is set, it will be announced.

Thank you for everybody who has understood why the series had to be put on hold, and also a HUGE thank you for sticking around and waiting for Lily to heal and begin writing again.

Lily White

Bestselling author of Dark Romance, Romantic Suspense, and Contemporary Romance

Foreign Translation: The Danger You Know