Her Master's Teacher - Lily White.jpg

Title: Her Master’s Teacher

Series: Masters Series

Book Two

Genre: Dark Romance

She caught my attention the first day I was seated in her class.

Her dark red hair fell in waves down her back and her alabaster skin appeared to sparkle under the lights of the lecture hall I'd admired her from a distance, never speaking or doing anything to draw attention to myself.

Each day that I spent watching her in this room, I noticed how her eyes would flick up to me.

She was wary of me - frightened - and she had reason to be. Allow me to introduce myself…

My name is Holland Strong and at 21 years old, I'm the youngest Master within a society of wealthy and influential men.

Claire Elliot is my psychology professor in college - that is, at least, until I make her my first courtesan.

She believes she knows everything about how the mind works…

…and I believe I can prove her wrong.

+ Read the First Chapter

“Stockholm Syndrome…”

She paced at the lower stage in the auditorium. Students sat in seats that rose up and around the stage, each person’s attention focused on the lovely woman that taught psychology at an elite college. Her steps weren’t hurried and she appeared deep in thought as she paced the floor. I’d not paid attention to her for most of the hour I spent in her class this afternoon, but those two words – they forced my eyes from scrolling through the internet on my phone.

“Many of you may have heard of this phenomena. It’s not typically a discussion or lecture I use in my mid-level psych classes.” She stopped suddenly, turning to look up at the attentive students in their seats. “However, given the recent media coverage on subjects regarding human trafficking and enslavement, I thought this could be a popular theory to discuss.”

My chair squeaked when I straightened my posture and her eyes shot up, looking in my direction. This was nothing new. She watched me constantly. When her eyes met mine, I smiled and she looked away immediately.

“It’s widely believed that Stockholm Syndrome occurs when a victim of abuse falls ‘in love’ with their abuser. This could be a victim of domestic abuse, a captive, a human slave or even a hostage of a bank robbery or other type of crime. In fact, it was from that last scenario that the phenomena received its name. What we’re going to talk about today are the other underlying elements of this phenomena; the bits and pieces that have been deciphered and labeled as features of the syndrome by the psychologists and doctors that have studied its effects. Stockholm Syndrome is not just the ability of an abuser to somehow enrapture their victim…there is a systematic approach used by the abusers to bring about the mind frame necessary in the victim in order for the syndrome to take effect.”

She started to pace again, allowing the students time to absorb what she said. I nodded my head at her words, inwardly agreeing with what she’d taught so far. It wasn’t until she spoke again that the challenge of her words ignited interest inside me.

“More so than the specific actions of an abuser to create the feelings within the victim, it can be the mentality of the victim themselves that determines whether they will eventually ‘bond’ with their abuser. Many believe Stockholm is a defense mechanism; a way for the victim of abuse to protect their own ego against the wrongs they have suffered.”

Turning towards the class, she raised her head up to look once again at the students’ expressions.

“I believe, and this is just my theory, that if a person is able to understand the mechanics of how Stockholm works, a person can take steps to prevent it from occurring within them if they find themselves in an abusive or captive situation.”

I chuckled at her theory. Her eyes flashed up at me again, but immediately moved to look away.

“In a situation where you are being abused, it’s important to remember what your abuser will do. There are methods to the madness, so to say, and I’ll list them for your now.”

She paused as the students picked up their pens or readied their laptops to take notes. Her eyes remained on everybody but me and I smiled as I sat back in my seat. I was ready to take notes as well. This once boring and monotonous class had just become interesting.

“First and foremost, an abuser will attempt to limit your communication with the outside world. They will isolate you in order to ensure that their views and opinions are the only things to which you have access. This is important to the abuser. They do not want any outside influence that could remind you that what they are doing is wrong.”

I nodded again. Aiden had demonstrated that fact numerous times. The separation from their former identity…a life they could no longer cling to in order to avoid their fate. So far, Claire was correct.

“Additionally, an abuser will show small bits of kindness: gifts, small favors, a caring touch. They do this after wearing the mind down, to make the victim believe they are not all bad. They may offer small bits of information about themselves; sad tales that will make the victim feel sorry for them or believe there is an excuse or reason for the way the abuser is acting.”

Chuckling again, I drew her attention. She stared at me long and hard this time, anger seeping out behind the sparkling color of her eyes. Even from a distance, they were striking.

“Are you finding something funny, Mr. Strong?”

My eyebrows rose up on my forehead from shock at her question and I flashed a dimpled grin in her direction. Clearing my throat, I spoke in a loud voice to ensure she could hear my response.

“Not at all, Ms. Elliot. I find your analysis quite educational, which is to be expected in this environment. Please, I’d love for you to continue. I apologize for my immaturity in laughing during such an enlightening lecture. I agree with your ‘theory’ and was only chuckling in realization that such tactics would never work on me if I was taken hostage or abused.”

She eyed me, her face searching my expression for any indication that I was lying. She was smart and it only made me more interested to discover how her mind worked. Strong women were attractive. They were a challenge; one that I couldn’t help but accept.

Looking away from me, she walked briskly across the stage to sit on the edge of her desk. Her pencil skirt slipped up her leg to bunch over her thigh, revealing the smooth skin beneath. Holding a blank expression, I couldn’t help but concentrate on that small hint of the body hidden beneath her clothes while listening to her lecture. Her words mattered very little to me, and quite frankly, the subject was comical. Many people wished to believe that their minds couldn’t be warped or manipulated if placed in a situation where they had no control. Unfortunately for them, they were wrong.

Having trained as a Master since reaching the age of eighteen, I had not only witnessed, but also participated in the systematic breakdown of a human being. Man or woman, it didn’t matter. The sequence was the same and the results were always exactly as we’d planned them to be.

I was the protégé of the most revered Master within a small group of affluent men. Aiden Oliver was a ruthless bastard in a polished suit. He had no morality to speak of; just a clear-cut idea of money and how to make himself wealthier with each passing hour. I admired him for his tenacity in business. He was a sharp mind blended seamlessly with a firm hand.

“Okay class, it appears we only have a few more minutes before time is up. It’s unfortunate that I have to assign you all work to complete over Spring Break, but with only one more class prior to the break, I want to give you the assignment now in case you have questions during the next lecture.”

Claire Elliot’s words broke me from my musings and I pulled out my phone to record her instructions for the assignment. In truth, I couldn’t give two shits about the degree that I was being forced to accomplish. Education had no meaning when being a Master was all I would ever need to support myself. However, Aiden was a strict son of a bitch and required higher education for every man he trained; namely, me.

“I would like for all of you to research Stockholm Syndrome and how it relates to three different areas: crime, domestic violence, and human trafficking. You can use recent events if you like. However, I recommend you research older events so that you can obtain specific information that has been released to the public. Current events will be difficult due to information being withheld for ongoing investigations. You may NOT use the event from which the syndrome received its name.”

She winked at the class and murmured laughter flowed across the room in response.

“I will not make this easy on you and allow you to use the Norrmalmstorg Robbery because the analysis has already been performed for you. The paper needs to be 1500 words with a bibliography and at least, but you are not limited to, five references.”

I raised my hand with a pressing question in mind. Begrudgingly, she glanced up at me, nodding her head to indicate for me to speak. Plastering a wicked smile on my face, I asked, “Are we allowed to use personal experience for our papers or is this solely limited to stories that have played out in the media?”

Her eyes blinked heavily, one beat then two, before she answered, “I prefer media stories, Mr. Strong. It is my hope that you’ve not endured a situation tragic enough to qualify as having been abused to a point of submission and loyalty.”

My grin widened when she looked away and I called out, “One more question, Ms. Elliot.”

Returning her attention to me, I saw apprehension written into her expression. She didn’t like me, which made her that much more attractive. “Will you be keeping your regular office hours up until the first day of break?” I kept my voice cordial, not wanting to arouse suspicion in the other students.

“Of course.” Looking back at the class, she added, “If any of you have questions or issues regarding the assignment, please see me during my business hours. There’s no need to make an appointment.” Her eyes flicked to me for a split second before she returned her attention to the class. “Come in at any time. I love surprise visits.”